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Bernedoodle Temperament

Sweet and loving, they are chill and wonderful. They are loyal and playful and can be trained with consistency. These are some of the most enchanting animals we have ever encountered. Lots of people report that they have no allergies to the Bernedoodle, although that is not universal so would really depend on the individual. They are smart and loyal and playful with just the right amount of chill.


Training your dog to complete an agility course can be a rewarding experience for both you and your dog. Here are some of the benefits and rewards of agility training:

  1. Bonding with your dog: Agility training involves working closely with your dog and building a strong relationship. This can help strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.

  2. Physical exercise: Agility training provides a great way to keep your dog physically active and healthy. Running, jumping, and other activities involved in agility training can help keep your dog in shape.

  3. Mental stimulation: Agility training can also provide mental stimulation for your dog. Learning new commands and completing complex obstacle courses can help keep your dog's mind sharp.

  4. Increased confidence: As your dog becomes more proficient at completing the obstacles, they will gain more confidence in their abilities.

  5. Competitive opportunities: Agility training can lead to competitive opportunities, such as entering dog agility competitions. This can be a fun way to showcase your dog's abilities and build a sense of pride in their accomplishments.

  6. Improved obedience: Agility training can also help improve your dog's obedience. The commands and training involved in agility can translate to other areas of your dog's life, making them a better-behaved companion overall.

Overall, training your dog to complete an agility course can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend.

Bernedoodle Coat Types

F1 Silky and Wavy

Generally, the poodles who are the parents of the F1 Bernedoodle are selected for the coat traits of both furnishings and curl., these balance the un-furnished straight fur of the Bernese Mountain Dog. Although some owners report regular grooming for their F1 many only need regular brushing and sanitary and footpad trimming. 


F1B Curly or Wavy

Again assuming that the Poodle parent of this pairing has both furnishings and curl genetics, half of an F1B litter should have Wavy coats inheriting the flat and straight coat from their Bernedoodle Parent. The other half will be more curly like a poodle, these will need more regular grooming than their wavy siblings.

cartoon poodle puppy

Genetic Considerations

Epigenetics can play a significant role in dog training and breeding. Epigenetics refers to changes in gene expression that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence but are instead caused by modifications to the DNA molecule or to the proteins around which DNA is wrapped. These modifications can be influenced by environmental factors, including diet, stress, and exposure to toxins.


In terms of dog training, epigenetics can influence a dog's behavior and response to training. For example, if a dog is raised in a stressful environment, epigenetic changes may occur that make the dog more anxious or reactive. This can make it more difficult to train the dog to behave calmly in different situations. Similarly, if a dog is poorly socialized during the critical period of puppyhood, epigenetic changes may occur that make the dog more fearful or aggressive towards other dogs or people.


In terms of dog breeding, epigenetics can influence the traits that are passed down from one generation to the next. For example, if a female dog is undernourished during pregnancy, epigenetic changes may occur that alter the expression of genes related to growth and development. This can result in smaller, weaker puppies that are more susceptible to health problems. Similarly, if a male dog is exposed to toxins or stressors that cause epigenetic changes, these changes may be passed down to his offspring and can have negative effects on their health and behavior.


It's important to note that epigenetic changes are not necessarily permanent and can be reversed through environmental interventions. For example, a dog that has been poorly socialized can still learn to be more comfortable around other dogs through careful training and socialization. Similarly, a dog that has been exposed to toxins can be detoxified through changes to its diet and environment. However, it's also important to recognize that epigenetic changes can be difficult to detect and may have long-lasting effects on a dog's health and behavior. Therefore, it's important to prioritize good breeding practices and positive training methods to ensure that dogs are healthy and well-behaved.

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